Causes Of Hair Loss, Types and Treatment

Causes Of Hair Loss, Types and Treatment

For many adults all across the world, hair thinning or hair loss is a common problem which means many of them will be looking into hair loss treatment. Hair loss happens because of many reasons, which vary from person to person.

Some of the more typical causes of hair loss include hereditary factors. However, other factors such as medical complications and poor diet also feature. Today, hair loss need not be a permanent problem and you can easily get it treated effectively using various methods that includes hair loss treatment.

Causes of Hair Loss

Male hair loss is typically recognised as male pattern baldness – a combination of being genetically predisposed to losing hair, and the interaction of the male hormone DHT in the scalp.

Male pattern baldness manifests itself as a receding hair line, thinning crown, or a combination of both.

However, a very small percentage of men may experience hair loss which does not match any particular pattern. This type of hair loss could be due to other external factors or conditions.

Certain medications, hormonal imbalances or even severe trauma can cause otherwise healthy hair follicles to fall out.

Alopecia Areata

This type of hair loss can affect any sex, both children and adults, and is caused by an auto-immune disease.

Alopecia Areata can appear suddenly and typically causes hair to fall out in small round patches on the scalp.

Telogen Effluvium

There are a number of factors which can cause Telogen Eflluvium – a massive and rapid shedding of hair over the entire scalp.

Thyroid disease, low protein intake, iron deficiency and anaemia are all known causes.

Once the problem has been addressed, hair often regrows within 6 months to a year.

Traction Alopecia

This type of hair loss is caused by external stresses on the hair itself, often caused by pulling from braided hair.

Hair extensions are also known to cause this condition due to additional weight and tugging on the hair.

Male Pattern Baldness

Roughly 95% of male hair loss is due to this genetic condition, which appears as a gradual thinning in the frontal and crown areas of the scalp.

This type of hair loss can take a number of years, with advancing stages of baldness shown below using the Norwood scale.

Male pattern baldness is caused by the hormone DHT, a by-product of testosterone which causes an auto-immune response in the scalp.

Similar to Alopecia Areata, DHT causes gradual damage to healthy follicles, causing them to reduce in size and thickness over a number of years, before finally becoming dormant.

While there is no definitive cure for male pattern baldness, there are a number of products which can stop DHT from binding to hair follicles.

Using a combination of both a growth stimulant and a hormone suppressant, some men have stopped male pattern baldness from advancing, and in some cases even reversed it.

Hair Loss Treatment Explained

One of the most well-known, and most popular, methods of treating hair loss is a surgical procedure referred to as “follicle follicular transfer.” The procedure involves the transplanting of growing hairs from various locations of a person’s head to the affected or balding areas. The procedure is quite intricate and requires a lot of experience and skill to complete satisfactorily.

The follicle follicular transfer takes place in three phases. The initial phase is the extraction phase, followed by the healing phase, and lastly there is the implantation phase. If the procedure is a success, the hair takes root and starts growing within 3 to 5 months of getting the operation done. The procedure is best for those people that have suffered severe loss of hair.

While some people are willing to undergo formal procedures while attempting to either reverse or reduce hair loss, others prefer using external agents as a solution. If such is the case, the physician can offer pharmaceutical medications as an option.

Treatments for hair loss come in the form of creams, oils, ointments, and tablets. Minoxidil is one of the most popular and reputable oral medication. Minoxidil is an over-the-counter medication, which uses the nitric oxide chemical ‘moiety’ that helps to not only reduce hair loss but also helps with hair growth. Regrettably, Minoxidil has several side effects that you need to consider first before using it – unwanted growth of hair in other parts of the body other than the head, irritation of the treated area, and burning eyes. It is good to be also aware of likely allergic reactions like dizziness, increased heart rate, and swelling of the lips and mouth.

Finasteride is another well-known mediation for treating hair loss. Unlike Minoxidil, the product is exclusively for males and is popular as a remedy for reversing the effects of male pattern baldness. Research shows that at least 3 out of every 5 men suffering from male pattern baldness enjoy regrowth once they take Finasteride. However, individuals that have severe hair loss should not use it since it is recommended for those that have mild to moderate hair loss.

For those individuals, male, or female who is facing hair loss, Vitamins are some of the more organic options. Introducing certain Vitamins and supplements into one’s diet has been shown to either halt or reduce hair loss. Regular consumption of Vitamin B3, B, B6, and B6 has been shown to encourage hair growth.


In conclusion, even though hair thinning is a rising problem, methods do exist to remedy the situation in many cases. Whether you decide to go for surgical procedures or the natural method of introducing vitamins into your diet, hair loss treatment does very often work for those willing to engage in it fully. However, you should always consult with your doctor before using any medication for hair loss treatment.