What Causes Endometriosis and Symptoms of Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a health condition that affects the woman’s reproductive system. The womb or the uterus is where a baby develops until it’s born. In this condition, the endometrial inside a woman’s uterus grows outside her uterus.

Common areas where endometrial tissue can grow out of the uterus are: ovaries, bowels, and bladder and sometimes behind the uterus. There have been cases where endometrial growth appeared on the arms and lungs, but these cases are sporadic.

The most diagnosed women with this condition are those in their early and mid-thirties. In this write up we are going to see what causes endometriosis, symptoms, and treatment methods.

Symptoms of Endometriosis

The seriousness of symptoms varies from one person to another. There have been cases where some women have not experienced any symptoms, even when they are suffering from this disease. However, some women may feel mild pain while others the pain may be extreme. This pain is due to misplaced tissue. The pain increases with time and is intense during the woman’s menstrual cycle.

Below are some of the symptoms of endometriosis:

  • Pain in the pelvic areas and the abdomen may happen during intercourse and urination. Vaginal bleeding immediately after intercourse may also occur.
  • Menstrual severe cramps, painful periods, and occasional heavy periods.
  • Low fertility. Many women suffering from this disease have a hard time getting pregnant.
  • Lots of fatigue.
  • Diarrhea, constipation, and blood in urine or stool.
  • Nausea or dizziness
  • Swollen abdomen. This happens if the endometrial tissue is created on the bladder and bowel.

What Causes Endometriosis?

This is a question that has been asked a lot of times by people suffering from this disorder. However, endometriosis causes are still a medical mystery. Many theories try to explain the cause of this disorder. However, several factors can lead to this disorder. Let’s look at some of the possible endometriosis causes.

Retrograde Menstruation

This is where the menstrual tissue flows, heading backward. If it flows through the fallopian tubes and is deposited on the pelvic organs, it grows there. Some abnormal hormonal dysfunction and immune system problems may trigger this since there have been cases of many women who have had a retrograde flow gut that didn’t suffer from endometriosis.


This could be another cause of endometriosis. This means to change from one normal tissue to another different type of normal tissue. It’s said the endometrial tissue could take the place of other tissues outside the uterus.


This problem can be due to genetics. If any of your close relatives were affected, you are also likely to suffer from it too.

Environmental Factors

Some environmental factors can influence the occurrence of endometriosis by impacting the immune system and hormones.

Immune System Dysfunction

Most women with a healthy immune system seldom show symptoms of endometriosis. This is because a healthy immune system tends to find and destroy any endometrial tissue outside the uterus. It’s said that auto-immune diseases are not genetically based, but environmental factors can aggravate them.

Liver Disorders

The liver does the work of regulating and removing estrogen from the woman’s body. If this is impaired, estrogen becomes dominant. This fuels endometriosis and can also lead to chronic fatigue plus allergy symptoms that are common in endometriosis.

Apart from the above theories, other factors may make a woman more susceptible to endometriosis. They include:

  • Caffeine. A woman who drinks large amounts of caffeine can increase the chances of estrogen by nearly 70%.
  • Lack of fiber. Estrogen increment can be seen in women who do not take enough fiber.
  • High-fat diet. Toxins accumulate in animal fat. This leads to estrogen dominance in women who consume them.
  • Alcohol. From the studies conducted, women who take alcohol have a bigger chance of getting endometriosis.
  • Stress. Stress is never a good sign, especially for our health. It causes many body disorders.

Treating this disorder is based on the symptoms a patient has. If not treated, the condition may become worse, and the general health will decline. There are cases where this growth has spread way beyond the pelvic region. The unfortunate fact is that specialists are yet to get its cure. However, a patient can get some medicines that can control the symptoms and relieve pain.

A patient may take drugs to kill the pain, go for surgery when the symptoms get severe, or go for hormonal treatment to ease the symptoms and decrease the discomfort.