Why Do My Eyes Hurt When I Wake Up?


There are many reasons why our eyes can hurt when we wake up. Some of these can be due to allergies, conjunctivitis, or dry eye syndrome. Regardless of the reason for your pain, you can take steps to ease the discomfort.


Blepharitis is a skin disease that causes irritation and redness on the eyelids. Blepharitis can also lead to dry eyes. This condition can be treated to manage symptoms.

A warm washcloth can be placed over closed eyes for at least a minute. This helps to loosen flakes and oily debris.

You can ask an eyelid cleaner to clean your eyes regularly. The doctor may also recommend a specific method for cleaning your eyelids.

You can gently scrub your eyelids with a gentle cleanser such as baby shampoo. Be careful not to scrub too hard, or your eyes will get damaged.

If a bacterial infection causes blepharitis, your doctor may prescribe antibiotic ointments or tablets. They may also recommend antibiotic eye drops.

There are also other methods for treating blepharitis. These include keeping your eyelids clean and removing any makeup before you go to bed.

Blepharitis can be prevented. When a patient has blepharitis, they may notice their eyes feel gritty and wonky. It can be painful to open your eyes. Your doctor may suggest artificial tears or antiviral drugs.

To prevent blepharitis, clean your eyes daily and wash your hands regularly. Also, if you have a stye, you should contact an eye care provider.

Some people with blepharitis develop keratitis, a swollen area on the outside edge of the eyelid. Keratitis can cause a burning sensation. Soreness, swelling, and excess tearing are other symptoms of blepharitis.

Blepharitis may not be contagious, but it is irritating and uncomfortable. Your doctor may prescribe an oral or topical antibiotic if your symptoms are persistent.


Eye allergies are a common occurrence among children. Several factors, including dust mites, pollen, pet dander, and other environmental irritants, can cause the condition. These irritants cause your eyes to be red, itchy, and watery. You may also experience other symptoms, such as sinus pain and a runny nose.

If you have eye allergies, your eyes might hurt when you wake up. You may also experience daytime fatigue and a headache. But there are some things you can do to help relieve these symptoms.

Avoiding allergens is the best way to control your allergies. Your doctor will be able to determine what causes your symptoms. They can also tell you what treatment options are available for your allergy. Some over-the-counter medications and prescription treatments are available.

You can also try to make changes to your lifestyle. For example, you can avoid rubbing your eyes. This can increase inflammation and make the symptoms worse. Another thing you can do is wash your hands.

You can also use an ice pack. This can help relieve swelling. A cold compress can be placed on the area around your eyes. Using a wet washcloth to clean your eyes may be a good idea.

You can also stay indoors during high pollen times. During these periods, closing windows and keeping the air conditioner on is essential.

You can also try using an antihistamine. Over-the-counter medicines such as Flonase will help you relieve nasal congestion. However, you must consult your doctor to determine the best time to take your medication.

You should also discuss with your doctor about having a nasal allergy test done. Taking an allergy test will help you identify which allergens you are most sensitive to.

Dry eye syndrome

Dry eye syndrome is a common occurrence. A variety of factors can cause it. The good news is that there are treatments to help alleviate symptoms.

The best thing to do is to get an eye examination. Your doctor will determine the cause of your symptoms and make appropriate recommendations.

Getting adequate rest is a great way to keep a dry eye at bay. Using a humidifier is also a good idea. You can apply a warm compress on your eyes to help lubricate them.

Try artificial tears. Many eye drops contain steroid molecules which can reduce inflammation. There are also thicker gels available to give you longer-lasting relief.

If your dry eyes result from an uncontrollable condition, you may need to see an ophthalmologist for treatment. They may be able to close the tear drainage canals permanently. One of the more common signs of dry eye is a red, watery, itchy, or painful eye. These symptoms can be uncomfortable when you are waking up and can interfere with your ability to have a good night’s sleep.

Fortunately, you can perform many effective dry eye remedies at home without a prescription. You can use a humidifier, eye drops, and warm compresses to help relieve your dry eyes.

For some people, dry eye syndrome will be a constant problem. In that case, you should try preservative-free eye drops. Also, you should change your lifestyle to lower your risk of developing the disease.


Conjunctivitis is a common eye problem that causes your eyes to hurt. Various things, including allergies, viruses, bacteria, or irritants, can cause the condition. However, most cases will go away on their own without treatment.

If your symptoms continue to recur, you may need to see an eye doctor. Your doctor will examine your eyes, take a sample of the discharge from your eyes, and may recommend watching to prevent further infection. Once the symptoms are gone, you can return to normal activities.

You can treat the infection with antibiotic eye drops if you suspect bacterial conjunctivitis. Alternatively, you can use topical antihistamine/decongestant eye drops to reduce the symptoms.

In addition to treating the symptoms of the eye infection, you should also avoid contact with infected people. For example, you should not share towels, blankets, or personal items with people with conjunctivitis.

It would help if you also washed your hands often, particularly after touching the infected eye. This will keep the infection from spreading to other parts of your body. Also, it would help if you threw away all disposable contact lens solutions.

You can also relieve the discomfort by using warm compresses on your eyes. However, this will not get rid of the infection.

After the symptoms have gone away, you should see an ophthalmologist to discover why you have conjunctivitis. It could be due to an infection, glaucoma, or severe health problem. Some forms of glaucoma are caused by too much pressure inside the eyeball.

There are several over-the-counter treatments for conjunctivitis, including artificial tear eye drops. Prescription eye drops can also help with your discomfort.

Recurrent corneal erosion

If you wake up in the morning with eye pain and your vision is blurred, you may be suffering from recurrent corneal erosion. This condition usually occurs within days, weeks, or months after a previous traumatic or superficial corneal injury.

Even though recurrent corneal erosion is relatively common, the cause and treatment of this eye disease are still uncertain. However, there are several ways to help people heal from this condition. Depending on the severity of your condition, you may require prolonged therapy.

A slit-lamp examination is often the best way to identify recurrent corneal erosion. Look for a loose epithelium on the surface of the cornea. Also, note the shape, size, and pattern of the epithelium. In addition, you should note if there are signs of infection or if a foreign body accompanies it.

Treatment can involve oral medications, such as tetracycline, prednisolone, or topical antibiotic ointment. These treatments can be used to speed up the healing process.

Studies have investigated a variety of prophylactic regimens, but there has yet to be a consensus on which regimen is the best. For now, it is recommended that a person with recurrent corneal erosion use an over-the-counter ointment or prescription drops.

Other treatments include excimer laser ablation, manual debridement, and bandage contact lenses. Some studies have reported that patients treated with these methods showed no recurrences after some time.

Recurrent corneal erosion is also considered a recalcitrant ailment. People who have this condition may be more likely to have poor healing. As a result, their eyes can become more prone to infections.

Recurrent corneal erosion is a complex and difficult-to-diagnose disorder. It is estimated that one in 150 people will experience this ailment. While the exact cause of recurrent corneal erosion is unknown, it is thought to be caused by abrasion of the cornea by an organic agent.