Psoriasis Treatments

Psoriasis Treatments

Psoriasis is the most persistent autoimmune disease in the United States, with approximately 2.2% of the American population seeking Psoriasis treatment options. One such option is Deramasis, and it’s a highly effective way to stop itching and irritated skin that is a result of Psoriasis.

Psoriasis is a skin disease as a result of which the life cycle of skin cells gets affected. This skin disease causes the rapid buildup of cells on the skin’s surface as a result of which dry and red patches that tend to itch and thick silvery scales are formed that are at times painful.

Psoriasis is a chronic (long-lasting) and prevalent disease. There might be periods when your symptoms go into remission or improve but other times it might seem that your psoriasis is worsening.

Psoriasis is indeed a nuisance, and it can also be disable, particular when associated with arthritis. Psoriasis is not a curable disease; however, it is possible to gain significant relief from various psoriasis treatments.

For instance, you can improve your symptoms by taking certain lifestyle measures like exposing your skin to limited amounts of natural sunlight and taking a nonprescription cortisone cream.

What Do Psoriasis Treatments Do?

The basic goal of the treatments is to:

  • Interrupt the cycle because of which skin cells are produced at an increased rate so that the formation of plaque and inflammation are reduced.
  • Remove scales and smoothen the skin, as is the case when tropical treatments are applied to the skin.

It is possible to divide psoriasis treatment into the following three main types:

Topical Treatments

Mild to moderate psoriasis can be treated by applying suitable creams and ointments to the skin. You may have to combine topical treatments with light therapy or oral medications if your symptoms are more severe. Topical treatments include:

Topical corticosteroids: When it comes to the treatment of mild to moderate psoriasis, the medications that are most frequently prescribed are these powerful anti-inflammatory drugs.

They suppress the immune system so that cell turnover is slow down, as a result of inflammation is reduced and itching associated with it is alleviated. The best topical psoriasis treatment option is Dermasis, and it uses an natural way to alleviate and control symptoms of Psoriasis

Vitamin D analogues: The growth of skin cells is slowed down by vitamin D analogues, which are basically synthetic forms of this vitamin. You may use Calcipotriene (Dovonex) alone for the treatmentor combine it with phototherapy or other topical medications. This treatment may cause irritation, so you may also try Calcitriol (Rocaltrol) instead, but it is more costly.

Salicylic acid: Whether you get salicylic acid with our without prescription, the sloughing of dead skin cells will be promoted by it and scaling will be reduced. You may also combine it with other medications, like coal tar or topical corticosteroids, so that its effectiveness is increased. For the treatment of scalp psoriasis, you should be able to find medical shampoos as well as scalp solutions.

Coal tar: A black, thick byproduct of the manufacture of coal and petroleum products, coal tar is perhaps the oldest means of treating psoriasis. Inflammation, itching and scaling can be reduced by it, even though it is not known how it actually works. Moreover, there are barely any side effects that are caused by its use, although it tends to be messy and can stain bedding and clothing, and it also has a strong odor. You should be able to find creams, oils and shampoos containing coal tar. To buy it is higher concentrations; you might have to get a prescription from your doctor.

Moisturizers: If you simply use moisturizing creams, you might not really be able to heal your psoriasis, although your itching and scaling will be reduced and you might also be able to get rid of the dryness caused by other therapies. Nonetheless, unlike moisturizers that are in the form of lighter creams and lotions, those in an ointment base might be more effective.

Light Therapy Or Phototherapy

Artificial or natural ultraviolet light is used in this treatment. In the easy and simplest form of phototherapy, you skin will be exposed to controlled amounts of natural sunlight. In other forms of light therapy, artificial ultraviolet light, either UVA or UVB, is included.

Sunlight: Exposure to UV rays in artificial light or sun light can kill the activated T cells in your skin. As a result skin cell turn over will slow down and inflammation and scaling will reduce. You might be able to improve your symptoms by briefly exposing yourself to small amounts of sunlight every day, but avoid intense sun exposure as your symptoms will only worsen and your skin might get damaged.

Combination light therapy: Often the effectiveness of phototherapy is improved by combining it with other treatments like retinoids. If the rest of the phototherapy options prove to be ineffective, you might have to turn to combination therapies.

Injected Or Oral Medications

If your psoriasis is severe or resistant to treatments mentioned above, so may have to consult your doctor so that you are prescribed some injected or oral drugs. You will probably be advised to use them for only brief periods because of their severe side effects and you may have to alternate them with some of the above treatments.

Retinoids: This group of drugs is related to vitamin A. So by taking them if you suffer from severe psoriasis that is resistant to other therapies, the production of skin cells will be reduced. However, if you discontinue therapy, signs and symptoms might return. Dryness of the mucous membranes and skin, hair loss, and itching are some of the side effects of retinoids. Pregnant women suffering from psoriasis should avoid taking retinoids for risk of birth defects in their unborn child.

Immunomodulator drugs: There are quite a few immunomodulator drugs that are approved to be used to treat moderate or severe psoriasis. Alefacept (Amevive), infliximab (Remicade) and others are included among them.These drugs are given by intramuscular injection, intravenous infusion or subcutaneous injection and your doctor will only advise you to use them if your psoriasis is resistant to traditional therapy or is associated with arthritis.

Interactions between certain inflammatory pathways and particular immune system cells are blocked by immunomodulator drugs. Make sure you use these drugs with caution, even though they are not derived from chemical sources but from natural ones.

Psoriasis Treatment Considerations

Treatments for psoriasis can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Topical treatments: creams, ointments, and gels applied directly to the skin.
  2. Phototherapy: use of light therapy to reduce symptoms.
  3. Systemic medications: pills or injections taken internally to control symptoms.
  4. Biologic medications: designed to target specific parts of the immune system.
  5. Complementary and alternative treatments: such as herbal remedies, acupuncture, and dietary changes.
    The type of treatment that’s best for you depends on the severity of your psoriasis, where it’s located on your body, and how much it’s affecting your daily life. It’s important to work closely with a doctor to find the right treatment plan for you.